
Cloud Datastore Google Cloud Datastore

Google Cloud Datastore is a managed non-relational (NoSQL) entity storage. Though usually used in combination with Google App Engine, thanks to the REST API and SDK support, it is well-suited for the storage component of any applicaion, serverless, cloud or on-premise.

Datastore categorizes its content (Entities) under Kinds, similar to tables in the relational space. While it is possible to map predefined data structures to kinds (esp. in case of typed languages), Datastore usually autogenerates its kind specifications based on the structure of entities that are stored under them.

Datastore supports indexing, backup/restore, transactions and other features that make it useful in writing scalable and robust applications.

Basic Concepts

Entity keys

In Datastore, an entity is identified by a key. Sigma currently supports keys composed of entity kind and name.

Properties and data types

Each entity could additionally contain one or more properties; key-value pairs where the key is a string and the value type can be either simple or composite.

Supported simple types include:

Composite types:

Array types

Additionally a property could be of array type; in this case the value would contain a values array, which can in turn contain property entries of any type.

    values: [
            stringValue: "str"
            geoPointValue: {
                latitude: 7.4639,
                longitude: 80.2985
            arrayValue: {
                values: [

NOTE: Sigma currently does not fully support visually composing array-type Datastore entity parameters; however you can enter the corresponding JSON array structure (value portion of the values entry) into the operation configuration pop-up to configure the parameter:

Name = array_field_name
Type = array (selected from drop-down)
Value = [{stringValue: "str"}, {geoPointValue: {latitude: 7.4639, longitude: 80.2985}]


Datastore updates can be carried out in transactions. The API expects you to begin a transaction and then commit it along with the necessary data manipulations, rather than invoking the manipulation operations as separate API calls between the begin and the commit.


A commit can contain multiple mutations (stages), each of which can contain up to four data manipulation calls; one from each of the four types: insert, update, upsert (update if exists, insert if not), and delete. For example, a transaction could first insert A and update B, then delete C and update B again, and so forth. Datastore does impose some rules on the operations that can be included in a single transaction.

Sigma Commit Transaction pop-up

In the Commit Transaction pop-up, you can add new mutations to your commit operation by clicking the (+) Add button near the bottom; and remove unwanted ones by clicking the (X) Remove button under each mutation.

Cloud Datastore transaction commit: multiple operations

Each stage provides four toggle buttons for the four supported operations; you can enable any desired combination, and configure them using the detail pane that appears below each. Deletion needs only an entity key, while other operations need the key as well as the full set of properties of the element.

Cloud Datastore transaction commit: entity configurations

NOTE: Any properties that are present in the remote entity but not included in the update/upsert call, would be removed from the entity.

Available Datastore operations

You can invoke Datastore operations (API calls) from any platform.

Native operations

Run Query: projects.runQuery

Executes a Google Query Language (GQL) query upon the Datastore. Because GQL only supports selections, this is inherently a read-only operation.

GQL queries can be parameterized, using either or both of these parameter types:

If your query uses such parameters you can specify them below the query via the Named Parameters and Positional Parameters fields.

Cloud Datastore: parameterized GQL query

Field Required Supports Variables Description
GQL Query :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: The GQL query to execute; any parameters must be prefixed with @
Named Parameters :x: :white_check_mark: A set of key-type-value entries of named parameters in the GQL query. The key must be the parameter name without the @ prefix.
Positional Parameters :x: :white_check_mark: An ordered set of type-value pairs of positional parameters in the GQL query. The type must have a Value suffix: e.g. stringValue, integerValue, geoPointValue, etc.

On success, will contain a result of the following format, where batch.entityResults will contain an array of matching entities:

    "batch": {
        "entityResultType": "FULL",
        "endCursor": "<base64-encoded>",
        "entityResults": [
                "entity": {
                    "key": {
                        "partitionId": {
                            "projectId": "<project>"
                        "path": [
                                "kind": "<kind>",
                                "name": "<name>"
                    "properties": {
                        "<key-1>": {
                            "<type-1>": "<value-1>"
                "cursor": "<cursor>",
                "version": "<version-timestamp>"
    "query": {
        "kind": <kind-spec>,
        "filter": {
            "propertyFilter": <property-spec; property, op and value>

Begin Transaction: projects.beginTransaction

Starts a new transaction for Datastore modification operations. This call does not have any parameters.

On success, will contain a transaction field holding the ID of the started transaction. This ID should be used when committing or rolling back the transaction later on.

Commit transaction: projects.commit

Commits a previously started transaction, executing a list of data manipulation mutations

Field Required Supports Variables Description
Transaction ID :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: ID of the transaction (usually from a previous beginTransaction call)
DB Operations :x: :white_check_mark: A list of mutations to apply along with the commit, each including up to four modification operations

On success, will contain metadata of the transaction (mutation versions, number of index updates, etc.).

    "mutationResults": [
            "version": "<version-timestamp-or-id>"
    "indexUpdates": 8,
    "commitVersion": "<commit-timestamp>"

Rollback transaction: projects.rollback

Rolls back (cancels) a previously initiated transaction

Field Required Supports Variables Description
Transaction ID :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: ID of the transaction to rollback

On success, will be empty.

Canned operations

In addition to these native operations, Sigma’s Datastore component supports the following “canned” (convenience) operations for performing a single action (insert, update, etc.) transactionally. When injected, these are inserted as two service calls; a beginTransaction followed by a commit that contains a single operation.

Insert entity

Runs a full transaction with a single entity insert operation

Update entity

Runs a full transaction with a single entity update operation

Upsert entity

Runs a full transaction with a single entity upsert operation

Delete entity

Runs a full transaction with a single entity delete operation