
Cloud Storage logo Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) provides key-value style storage capabilities for cloud applications. It is composed of buckets that act as storage roots, under which objects are arranged in a hierarchical, filesystem-like pattern. Hence it is also well suited for file storage, and provides HTTP serving - and hence static website and public file archive capabilities - as well.

Sigma supports Cloud Storage as an operational resource on all platforms, and as a trigger on GCP-based projects.

You can add Cloud Storage to your project via the GCP Resources tab on the Resources pane, once you have authorized Sigma to access your GCP project.

NOTE: Ensure that your GCP project has Cloud Storage API (service name enabled, before you start using the API in your Sigma project.

Cloud Storage as a Trigger

On GCP-based Sigma projects, Cloud Storage can be used as an event source to trigger a cloud function of background/event type. For this, simply drag the Cloud Storage entry from the GCP Resources pane, on to the event parameter of the function header.

Cloud Storage trigger pop-up

Now select a bucket as the event source under Select the Bucket (or add a new bucket via the New Bucket tab), use Event Types to pick the type of event (change, metadata update, deletion etc.) that would trigger the function, and click Inject.

Cloud Storage as an Operation

This is available under all cloud platforms, for invoking various API operations against the buckets in your GCP project. Simply:

Available Cloud Storage Operations

Currently Sigma supports the following operations on Cloud Storage buckets.

List Objects: storage.objects.list

Retrieves a list of objects available in a bucket, under a given path (prefix)

Field Required Supports Variables Description
Maximum number of results to be shown :x: :x: The maximum number of keys to be returned in the response. The response might contain fewer keys but never more.
Limit the results begins with prefix :x: :white_check_mark: A prefix to limit (filter) the results only to keys which begin with that prefix

On success, data field of the response will be an array of matching Cloud Storage Objects.

Put Object: storage.objects.insert

Uploads an object to a bucket

Field Required Supports Variables Description
The content of object :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: The content to be uploaded
Name for the object (Object Key) :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Name (key) for the object, including any path prefixes
MIME type/Content-Type :x: :white_check_mark: Content-Type or Mime-Type of the object (payload)
Metadata for the object :x: :white_check_mark: A set of key-value pairs to be set as metadata for the object
ACL to apply to the object :x: :x: The canned Access Control List (private, publicly readable, etc.) to be applied to the object

On success, data field of the response will be a Cloud Storage Object representing the uploaded entity.

Get Object: storage.objects.get

Retrieves an object from a bucket

Field Required Supports Variables Description
Name of the object (Object Key) :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Name (key) of the object to be retrieved, including any path prefixes

On success, data field of the response will be a Cloud Storage Object representing the retrieved entity.

Copy Object: storage.objects.copy

Copies an object from one bucket to another, or to a different path (key) under the same bucket

Field Required Supports Variables Description
Name of the object to copy (Object Key) :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Name (key) of the object to be copied
Select the Target Bucket :white_check_mark: :x: The destination bucket
Name of the destination object (Object Key) :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Name (key) to be used for the destination object

On success, data field of the response will be a Cloud Storage Object representing the copied entity.

Delete Object: storage.objects.delete

Deletes an object from a bucket

Field Required Supports Variables Description
Name of the object to delete (Object Key) :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Name (key) of the object to be deleted

On success, data field of the response will be empty.