
Function Configurations

In Sigma, you can configure and tune individual serverless functions for optimal runtime performance using this option.

Opening Function Configurations

While in the Projects tab of the Resources pane of the editor, click the cog wheel icon against any function to open its configuration settings.

Function configuration button on Projects tab

Available Configuration Options

Basic Tab

Function Configuration: Basic tab

NOTE: Functions with higher memory limits are usually assigned higher computation power (CPU time), but they may also incur higher costs.

Additional options may be available based on the cloud platform:

Advanced Tab

Function Configuration: Advanced tab

This usually contains cloud platform-specific advanced configurations.

NOTE: VPC containment may mean that external service (e.g. AWS/GCP API) calls made by your function may also fail. Check out the respective cloud platform documentation (e.g. AWS, GCP) to learn more.

Once configurations are complete, click Save to persist them. The changes will be propagated to the deployed functions during the next deployment/update.

NOTE: Quick Deploy actions will not propagate configuration changes, as they only deal with code changes.