
Sigma Toolbox

After deploying a serverless application, you may want to invoke the deployed function via its trigger: such as HTTP endpoint (e.g. API Gateway URL) or queue (e.g. SQS). Also, you may need to populate your queues, topics etc. with data, for test executions - or retrieve data from such, to verify execution results or side-effects.

The Toolbox component of Sigma IDE allows you to interact with your cloud resources in this manner. You can open (toggle) it via the Toolbox button on the bottom toolbar:

Toolbox: footer toolbar button

Sigma’s toolbox currently supports:

HTTP Client

This allows you to send HTTP requests to endpoints, similar to Postman or curl. You can use it to test REST/HTTP endpoints deployed by your project, such as AWS API Gateway triggers or GCP HTTP triggers.

HTTP Client

NOTE: As the request is generated by the browser, the endpoint must have CORS enabled - either globally, or inclusive of the domain.

  1. Select the desired HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.).
  2. Enter the endpoint URL/link into the URL field.
  3. Under Headers, add any HTTP headers that you would like to send along with the request - using the Add New button.
  4. If the endpoint accepts a payload, enter it into the text field under Body, and select the correct Content Type.
  5. Click Send.

Once the CORS check passes and the actual request gets executed, the response will be displayed - headers under Response Headers and any returned payload under Response Body.

HTTP Client: response

SNS Client

This allows you to

to/from a SNS topic.

SNS Client

  1. Select the region where your topic is located.
  2. Select the desired SNS topic from the topics list on the left.
  3. Select the desired operation (e.g. Send message) from the list on the right.
  4. Fill in the required details for the operation; e.g. the message payload, subject and attributes (optional).
  5. Invoke the operation via the button on the bottom right; e.g. Publish Message.

The result (e.g. published message ID) will be displayed in the lower section - green on success, red otherwise.

SNS Client: Publish Message result

SQS Client

This allows you to

to/from a SQS queue.

SQS Client

  1. Select the region where your queue is located.
  2. Select the desired queue from the queues list on the left.
  3. Select the desired operation (e.g. Send message) from the list on the right.
  4. Fill in the required details for the operation; e.g. the message payload, attributes and the visibility delay (optional).
  5. Invoke the operation via the button on the bottom right; e.g. Send Message.

The result (e.g. status, sent message ID and MD5 hash) will be displayed in the lower section - green on success, red otherwise.

SQS Client: Send Message result